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Please also read the Ohio Fusion Tryout Information page for more specific information related to upcoming tryouts.


Tryouts take place each May for the subsequent soccer season.  This year’s tryout dates are listed on the Ohio Fusion Tryout Information page tryouts are for all players.  


Tryouts are successful when every player is selected to a team that has a training and competitive plan that fits the player’s interests and needs; as well as a budget and time commitment that matches the parent’s willingness to support the player.


Many of the questions below have been asked often, so we share answers for your convenience. Additional questions can be sent to  If you are currently a member of another club you may not get a specific response (only a generic one) until contact is permitted in accordance with league policies. We have tried to anticipate your basic questions and provided answers here.


Q. When are tryouts held?

Tryouts for Ohio Fusion teams are held late May.  We also encourage prospective players to join a practice in April/May if desired. We will advertise the available date, but you may also contact us at to make a request.

Q. Do I need to register for tryouts?

Yes, you must register to tryout with Ohio Fusion prior to the tryout date.  If you have any difficulties navigating the registration system (GotSport), you may contact our Registrar for assistance.

Q. How does a player make the team?

All players must compete for roster positions during tryouts. Having played for Ohio Fusion in previous years does not guarantee you a roster spot on a team.

Q. What is the annual player fee if my son/daughter is selected to a team at tryouts?

This year we again remain less expensive than most neighboring clubs.   Our fees include Fall, Winter & Spring Training and League fees (more details).  The annual player fee is as follows:

     2025-2026 Player Fees:

     U8 – U10     $700

     U11 - U12      $800

     U13 - U15     $975


Game uniforms and training shirts are not included in the registration fees.  A payment plan is available and will be more fully explained in the online registration agreement.

Q. How do coaches participate in tryouts?

Coaches are responsible for the coordination of tryouts for the team entrusted to him/her, with assistance from our technical trainers & coaching staff.

Q. What do the coaches look for in players?

While tryouts vary from team to team, all coaches look for players who have the potential of becoming high-level, competitive players. Throughout the tryout, coaches assess several player qualities, including but not limited to:

     1.  Technical skill

     2. Tactical awareness

     3. Physical abilities

     4. Psychological dimension


Q. Does the coach have any help during tryouts?

Coaches are required to use multiple evaluators at the tryouts. Generally, other coaches in the program also assist the team’s coach during tryouts.

Q. What happens after the last tryout?

At the conclusion of the tryouts, each coach nominates players for their roster. All coaches and trainers involved in the tryout process will meet to discuss the roster choices and then the teams are then given final approval.

Q. How long before we know what the outcome is?

3-5 days after the last day of tryouts, offers for all teams will be emailed, in some cases sooner.

Q. What if a player does not get selected?

All players not selected will be omitted from the team lists once they are posted to our website after tryouts. Effort will also be made to contact each player by email or phone. This in no way suggests that they are not quality players, or that they should give up their hopes of playing competitive soccer. It simply means that the coach feels there were other players better suited for this team’s level of play. 


Q. What if a player is selected?

If a player has been selected, an email will be sent to the email address provided in GotSport during Tryout Registration.  Effort will also be made to contact the player by telephone.

Q:  Are tryouts open to all boys and girls?

Yes, tryouts for each team are open to all boys and girls of the correct age.

Q: My son/daughter is currently not registered to Ohio Fusion and wants to tryout. Does he/she have to attend all tryout dates?  There are other teams she may want to try out for also.

The public tryout dates are important because they give your player the best opportunity to be seen playing with the current team that will continue in the year ahead. All players are expected to be at all tryout sessions.  If you cannot be at all sessions an exception may be granted only by contacting our Executive Director in advance.


Each year there may be a few players who are added to a roster that miss tryouts due to relocation, injury, etc.  These players may be invited to train with and eventually be selected to the team based on the circumstances of which they missed tryouts.

Q:  If my son/daughter is currently registered to another club can I contact Ohio Fusion or a specific coach before tryouts?

You may write to the coaches you are interested in and ask them to come to watch your player in any remaining league play or tournament play. You would want to provide them with your player’s name, date of birth, team, jersey number, grade in school, and name of the current team and coach. By making known your interest, you may get one or two of the potential coaches to come to see your player, enabling them to give you a better idea on contact day whether or not they can offer a role for your player with their team.  

Q:  What about on or after the date when contact is allowed?

Once contact is allowed, you can call the coaches and talk with them specifically about your son or daughter.

Q:  How soon will my son/daughter start with their new team?

Team training sessions begin in August.  Please contact for specific team plans.


Q: How many teams are selected in each age group?

Depending on the number of players trying out, we select up to two teams in all age groups.

Q. Are tryouts the only forum where Ohio Fusion staff determines which players are selected to Ohio Fusion teams?

No, the evaluation process additionally takes place over the course of the season.  Players are in essence trying out for Ohio Fusion teams every time they take the field.  Tryouts are merely an additional opportunity to show our staff how much a player has progressed throughout the year, as well as give them an opportunity to evaluate certain players together with other players who attend tryouts.

Q. Which team does my son/daughter tryout for?

Age Schedules are posted on our Tryout Information Page, please refer to the Age Chart on that page.

Q. How can I send my name in to be contacted when coaches can call players?

Players and parents can send information at any time, it is just not permitted for coaches or club officials to make formal contact with the player or parents outside of Ohio Fusion, except to answer generic questions. Information can be sent to


When contact is permitted, coaches will want to know the basics about the player, including:

  • date of birth

  • grade in school

  • phone number

  • parents’ names and mailing address

  • e-mail address

  • positions played

  • current team

Q:  How are the teams grouped and named?

The numeric designation with each team indicates the year of birth, not school graduation.

Ohio Fusion competitive teams have a local travel requirement in and around Dayton, and train with the team coach 2 nights a week August – late May. Ohio Fusion players are also offered a third night of training for individual development, goalkeeper, or additional team practices as schedules allow.  Some teams may choose to travel out of state for a tournament; however, most tournaments will be within driving distance.


Q:  Can a player play up in an age group?

It is the intent of the Ohio Fusion Executive Director to define the process of the “playing up” guideline to avoid any misinterpretation of its intent:


Determining Factors for Playing Up in Age:
The individual player must be identified as one of the exceptional players in the birth year by the technical staff and the age group coach. It will be deemed at this time that the indicated player will have secured a place with the team in his/her birth year. Next, the identified player will be invited to the older age group tryout, where he/she MUST demonstrate that they are also at the top of the group on that team. It also must be determined that the player’s proper age/grade group team does not meet the competitive requirements to challenge the player if they stayed in their appropriate group.  If the proper age team is at a level that does challenge the player they will not be allowed to play up.  Based on this assessment by the technical staff, input from the older age group coach, and final determination by the Executive Director, a determination will be made on the individual playing up a birth year. However, it is only in extremely rare conditions that a player will be allowed to play up (especially unless they are also school grade appropriate for the older team) and therefore such permission should in no way be assumed. Even if a tryout with an older team is granted such permission in no way whatsoever indicates that player is expected to be selected to the older team.  To assist in college exposure & recruitment it is important that everyone plays in their appropriate school grade so college coaches can properly identify you when scouting occurs at showcase tournaments.  Playing with a team other than the player’s proper school grade can definitely hinder that identification & recruitment process, therefore it will only be in extremely rare cases that a player is selected to a team outside of their school grade team, however, playing in the players “school-age” group is encouraged.


Team and Club Considerations:
We want to be sure that in this process, we create a fair opportunity for everyone involved. A major concern is that we place a player in an environment in which they are challenged, have an impact on players with whom they are playing and are having the success necessary to enhance their development.  A club and team consideration is the displacement of players whose roster spot will be filled by a younger player. Here lies the reason that the technical staff must be certain a younger player will have the impact necessary to justify displacement of an individual who is birth year eligible for a team.


Q:  Where are the tryouts held?

All Ohio Fusion tryouts take place at Sackett-Wright Park, in Bellbrook.  If the location changes it will be posted well in advance. Please check our website and watch an email for weather details.  If tryouts are canceled or delayed our website will be updated and emails will be sent.

Q:  Are You Moving to Ohio?

Players moving in from out-of-state or players who have not yet registered with another club can send an email to for more information.



Q. What if we missed tryouts, can I still play on a Competitive Team?

Occasionally after teams have been formed for the current season, there is still room for additional players.  Please contact for more information.


Q. How old do I need to be to play on a Competitive Team?

We have teams from the age of U8-U15. For the 2025-2026 season, if you were born in the years 2010 - 2018  you are eligible for an Ohio Fusion Competitive Team.

Q. What are the travel commitments for Ohio Fusion Competitive Teams?

All Ohio Fusion Competitive Teams practice in Bellbrook (Washington Mill or Sackett-Wright).  Each season your child's team will play 8-10 league games.  Half of those league games (4-5) will be in Bellbrook and half of those league games are played away at the opponent's field.  The league your child's team plays in (either MVYSA, Cardinal or Buckeye) and the other teams in their division will determine the away fields.  Typically the away locations are 15-45 minutes away from Bellbrook.  For example, Beavercreek, Kettering, Vandalia or Troy. 


Similarly, tournaments are played at locations near Bellbrook, typically 15-60 minutes away.


Overnight hotel stays are not typically required for Ohio Fusion league games and tournaments.

Q. If I am in the recreational league can I try out for a Competitive Team?

Yes, we encourage players of all skills level to tryout.  We form teams with players of equal skill at all levels.  

Q. Do you allow players to play multiple sports during the Fall or Spring Season?

Yes,  we realize that the players are young and still need to explore many sports options.   We do hope that when they play multiple sports that there will be a fair and equitable distribution of the players time and availability between the two sports.

Q.What are the club's financial policies for financial assistance and refunds?

Fee Payment Policy

  • We provide two payment options for players. They can elect to pay their fees in full at the time of acceptance or pay the acceptance fee followed by four installment payments.

  • On an exception basis only due to extenuating circumstances the Club Treasurer will consider deviations from this plan on a case by case basis. Please make requests in writing to

Refund Policy

  • Accepting an offer from the select team commits the player for a full year. Parents should be sure that the offer and the time of commitment is what they want for their player.   Once we set the rosters for the teams will we will incur expenses that we cannot recoup.  A player's decision to leave the team after acceptance will affect all the other team members both financially and competitively.

  • Once a player has accepted the offer and paid the deposit, no refund will be issued.

  • Under extreme conditions, a player can make a written request for a refund. The Club Treasurer will evaluate each request consulting all parties involved on a case-by-case basis. The initial deposit is non-refundable.

Financial Assistance

  • The Bellbrook Soccer Boosters has a limited amount of financial assistance available to families experiencing severe financial hardship.

  • Financial assistance is typically awarded in exchange for a volunteer commitment and performance to the club.

  • You must submit the request immediately after signing the acceptance and paying the deposit, and no later than July 1.

  • All requests for financial assistance need to be made in writing. Please contact our Club Treasurer if you are in need of financial assistance.  Supporting documents may be requested to demonstrate the need for the request (e.g. tax returns, W-2, etc)   All requests will be reviewed by the Bellbrook Soccer Association Treasurer in conjunction with the Bellbrook Soccer Boosters board of directors.  

  • All requests for financial assistance are confidential.

  • All requests must be received by July 1.


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Copyright 2020 Bellbrook Soccer Association



Bellbrook Soccer Association

P.O. Box 182

Bellbrook, Ohio 45305


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